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Tuesday, 12 March 2019

40 Day Plastic Free Challenge: Day Seven

40 Day Plastic Free Challenge: Day Seven

Storm Gerald has arrived here with strong winds and torrential rain and after the mini heat wave we had a few weeks ago it really does suggest that the weather is becoming very unsettled. Remember the long summers of our childhood, April showers and snowy winters? They seemed to be definite seasons back then didn't they? Now it's August wash outs and May heat waves.

Some days are bound to be quieter than others on this 40 day challenge but I am still sticking to my new routine of home made bread, bottled milk, loose fruit & veg and a ban on clingfilm.

I did need to buy a pack of cheese this evening as they would not serve it in my container and I have been looking online for recommendations which included shopping at Farmer's markets, local deli's or even making it yourself! I think this might be my first obstacle as the above options do not sit well with a busy life in a suburban town but it will test how serious I am about banning single use plastic from my life. Apparently cheese freezes well so a trip to a market to stock up might serve me for a couple of weeks until the deli counters in the supermarkets are a bit more open to change. Have emailed Sainsbury's and Morrisons to see what plans they have in the pipeline so will definitely feature that on here.

My facebook newsfeed is now filling up with news from different charities and action groups relating to the environment and there's positive stuff there too showing new inventions that clean the ocean, volunteers cleaning beaches, youngsters taking a stand against the government and petitions galore so I think the PEOPLE have spoken which is more than can be said for my contacts on Facebook (anyone out there?) but then again my posts might be lost amidst the endless prankster videos or 5 minute craft ideas that go round and round on social media.

Apologies for the reflective post tonight but I am wondering what the next steps are after I have made all the changes I personally can - I might end up marching through London perhaps or lying across the road outside parliament like this gentleman aged 82.  Time to move on from being a couch activist.

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