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Friday 8 March 2019

40 Day Plastic Free Challenge: Day Three

40 Day Plastic Free Challenge: Day Three

Thanks for checking in to my 40 day challenge on day three. I am feeling quite spurred on at the moment but am sure I will meet a few pitfalls soon, especially with cinema trips and birthday celebrations coming up.

Today I am revisiting something we have done before as a family: Having milk in glass bottles delivered direct to our door. We did this a year or two ago but stopped due to a couple of reasons but was determined to restart as part of this challenge. We probably use a lot of milk for cereals, baking and the quintessential English cuppa. I have even looked at various ways of upcycling the large plastic bottles - from Halloween glow lights, upcycled jewellery to storage jugs and more. Lots of the ideas I have saved on my Upcycling Pinterest Board

But why feel the need to do this in the first place when I can send the glass bottles back to the supplier when empty? Who remembers the fizzy drinks the milkman delivered when you were young? Giving away my age now!

So I searched for my local milkman and set up an account including specifying delivery days and payment method so no more searching for cash every week. You can even add changes up to 9pm the night before which will maybe stop those last minute dashes to the convenience store paying premium prices at the local garage etc. Talking of prices it is approx 80p for a pint of milk so a bit more than your local supermarket giant but hopefully as demand grows the prices might go down as the buying power increases. Some companies offer recycled plastic cartons as another alternative. Most glass bottles can be reused up to 18 times which helps compensate against the carbon footprint.

At the moment the large supermarkets don't seem to be making plans to change what they offer their customers but if we were to a make a call to action they might take notice.

You'll just have to weigh it all up and go with what is best for you.

 Be sure to check in tomorrow for Day 4 of my challenge,

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